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  • 雅思个性化课程

  • 雅思基础课程

  • 托福个性化课程

  • 托福标准课程

  • 托福基础课程

  • 综合英语

  • 日语

  • 韩语

  • 法语

  • 多语种



发布时间:2018-06-30 10:55:06




发布者:春辉托福小编      来源:河北春辉托福


1、考题出现时间: 2012-8-26CN,2015-1-16NA

  题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.


2、考题出现时间: 2013-10-19 CN,2013-10-19 NA

  题目: A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school requires students to take? Why?


3、考题出现时间: 2013-9-13 NA

  题目:Many high school students are doing a lot of school work already. Some people believe that students should help their parents with household chores, since it's the best way to give them a sense of responsibility.



  题目:All university students should take basic science courses, regardless of their field of concentration.



  题目:Do you agree or disagree: Nowadays students like using their phone, listening to music and surfing the Internet when they are studying. However, some people think that has bad effects on learning.



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